报告题目:Fully Bayesian Inference for Structured Elastic Net报告人:王海斌 教授 报告摘要:Structured elastic net is a rather general and flexible technique of regularization and variable selection, which includes the elastic net, the ...[详细]
学院简介我院成立于2015年, 拥有统计学系、应用统计学系及机器智能与数据分析研究中心;设有统计学博士后科研流动站,拥有统计学一级学科博士、硕士学位授权点、应用统计硕士专业学位授权点,以及统计学、应用统计学本科专业,形成了完整的本-硕-博...[详细]
报告题目:Some topics on least squares model averaging报告人:张新雨 研究员报告摘要:Least squares model averaging has been explored in depth from the theoretical perspective and has been used widely in empirical applications. In this ...[详细]
曲阜师范大学我院2021届统计学专业博士学位论文答辩会答辩委员会主 席 : 胡亦钧 教 授 武汉大学 委 员 : 胡 涛 教 授 首都师范大学 赵胜利 教 授 曲阜师范大学 吕玉华 教 授 曲阜师范大学 胡 锋 教 授 曲阜师范大学导 ...[详细]
报告题目:Semiparametric integer-valued autoregressive models on Z报告人:朱复康 教授 报告摘要:In the analysis of real integer-valued time series data, we often encounter negative values and negative correlations. For integer-valued aut...[详细]